Schnauzinn Lil Spanish Love


Call Name Ella

Black and Silver


New Zealand Champion

Winner of Best in Breed and many Reserve Best in Breed.

10/06/23 Reserve Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Junior of Breed. Purina Pro Plan Auckland Exhibition Centre under Nicole Harrison (NZ)

13/05/23 Reserve Best of Breed, Best Bitch, Junior Bitch. Auckland Kennel Council Open Show (Show 1) under Desiree Hanson (NZ)

04/05/23 Best of Breed, Junior of Breed. Hamilton Kennel Ass under Karen Furk (Sth Africa)

11/02/23 Junior Bitch. Tokoroa Canine Ass (Show1) under Robert Harbin (NSW)

04/02/23 Reserve Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Junior of Breed. Purina Pro Plan Auckland Exhibition Centre (Show 1) under Karen McIntyre (NZ)

04/02/23 Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Junior of Breed. Prina Pro Plan Auckland Exhibition Centre (Show2) under Brad Santas (NSW)

31/12/23 Best of Breed, Best Bitch, Puppy of Breed. Rotorua Kennel Ass (Open Show) under Lisa Sutcliffe (NZ)

31/12/22 Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Puppy of Breed. Cambridge Kennel Ass under Deborah Niness (NZ)

19/11/22 Reserve Bitch CC, Puppy Bitch. Ladies Kennel Ass under Robynne Trainor (NZ)

19/11/22 Reserve Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Puppy Bitch. Ladies Kennel Ass memorial show under Lance Wright (QLD)

29/10/22 Bitch CC, Puppy Bitch. Taupo Kennel Ass under Tracie Edwards (SA)

17/09/23 Reserve Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Puppy Bitch. North Harbour Kennel Ass under Kelly Martin (NZ)

03/09/22 Reserve Best of Breed, Bitch CC, Puppy Bitch. Huntly and District Kennel Ass under Amanda Huggins (NSW)

Test Results

DNA Clear

Type B1 PRA


Myotonia Congenita

Charot Marie Tooth

Mullerian Duct Syndrome

Comma Defect


Pedigree of “NZ CH: Schnauzinn Lil Spanish Love”

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Arg Gr Ch:Repitition’s Southern Destination 

AM CH: Repitition’s High Voltage AM CH: Repitition’s Its a Rap
AM CH: Repitition’s Knock Me a Kiss
Repitition’s Vesuvius AM CH: Repitition’s Its a Rap
Repitition’s Candelabra
DAM Arg Ch: Dog-otho’s Gilly  ARG GR, Brazil, Int, Arg Jr CH: Gloris Kalimbadeluna Dan, Nor, Rus, Swe CH: Djakartas World Wide
Rus, Rus Jr CH: Gloris Umka
Brazil CH: Malu The Bescan Arg Jr CH: Dog-othos I Need You
Dog-othos Annie Inch