Welcome to Schnauzinn Kennels

Schnauzinn’s Smart Choice
We are a small kennels specialising in the miniature schnauzer. We have been awarded with Dogzonline No1 Breeder for the last 3 years. We look forward to continuing to show case this wonderful breed.
We are not only registered with DogsNZ but are the first miniature schnauzer breeders to be accepted into the accredited breeders scheme. Although the accredited breeders scheme has come to an end we will continue to lead the way in health testing in NZ and dogs with correct type so as to lessen the cases of structural problems we are seeing in the miniature schnauzer in NZ. All our dogs are extensively health tested with an independently audited company so as to guarantee the results.
We aim to breed healthy well adjusted puppies that grow into happy family members and are able to function in any role they have. Whether this is in the show ring, out doing scent, as an assist dog or as a loved family member who enjoys all the family activities. We socialise and raise all our puppies in our home with toilet training on the grass, sitting for meals and coming when called given full attention. Our full attention is given to breeding puppies with the correct temperament as described in the breed standard, alert, reliable and Intelligent. Many of our dogs are proven to live up to the breed standard by being shown in the breed ring, with best of breed, best in group and even best in show (Age) wins. We also have puppies that have excelled in Canine Good Citizen, a puppy that is an assist dog, dogs that visit rest homes and one competing in scent, with titles.
We are committed to improving the dogs we breed. We have import many champion dogs and have a careful breeding programme where the character and type are taken into consideration before two parents are bred, so as to achieve a dog that not only looks like the breed standard but has the solid personality to go with it.
We live in the beautiful small community of Wardville in the middle of the Waikato region where our dogs have alot of room to run and play. Our show dogs are not only part of our show team they are beloved family members first.